Thursday, February 12, 2009


Vol. 2 No. 1 15,094
Peace and welcome to the Second Season of the 3rd Eye View Newsletter... where the science behind the science of everything in life is dropped upon its readers. For all new readers let me make knowledge born to you that The 3rd Eye View Newsletter is a "Members of Allah Publication". That is... within this publication there will be Nation of Gods and Earths articals and Supreme Wisdom from great minds of the Islamic world.
In this Issue I open up with a build about the "Garmmar within the Supreme Mathematics". Following my build is a powerful artical about the concept of "Sleep"... for my readers to ponder on. Every issue of The 3rd Eye View will have something for the Earths to study about the original Asiatic Blackwoman. I'm ending this issue with a great plus lesson by the God
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Vol. 2 No.1
Page Two
By Arkil Magnetic Allah

Now… when we look at the format of the Supreme Mathematics we see that 13 words make up Supreme Mathematics. How do we use these 13 words? First… we must understand the “Garmmar within the Supreme Mathematics”.

GARMMAR is defined as: the study of how words and their component parts combine to form sentences… the study of structural relationships in language or in a language… sometimes including pronunciation… meaning… and linguistic history. It is the system of inflections… syntax… and work formation of a language or the system of rules implicit in a language… viewed as a mechanism for generating all sentences possible in that language. Basically…Garmmar is not what you say… but how you saying it.

Knowing and understanding the “Garmmar” aspect of the Supreme Mathematics is very important… for the cause “Garmmar” is used as a tool to assist he or she with their proper manifestation or application of not only the Supreme Mathematics… but with the application of all words and sentences to exist. I would not be able to write this book if it did not contain the morphologic… syntactic… and semantic rules for Supreme Mathematics.

Morphologic means: relating to or concerned with the formation of admissible words in a language.

Syntactic means: of… relating to… or conforming to the rules of syntax. (Syntax is the study of the rules whereby words or other elements of sentence structure are combined to form grammatical sentences. It is the pattern of formation of sentences or phrases in a language.)

Semantic means: of or relating to meaning… especially meaning in language.

In the Nation of Gods and Earths… Universal Master Builders have good vocabularies. However… having a good vocabulary means more than knowing that “1. is Knowledge”… “2. is Wisdom” … and so on. It means he or she is able to choose and use the words in the Supreme Mathematics that says and does exactly what you mean. IT MEANS KNOWING THE SUBTLE AND NOT SO SUBTLE DIFFERENCES AMONG WORDS. A republic is not the same as a democracy or being frugal is not the same as being stingy… etc.

To understand how to truly utilize the Supreme Mathematics right and exact… we must begin by learning the proper parts of speech… which contain: NOUNS…VERBS… PRONOUNS… ABJECTIVES… ABVERBS… PREPOSITION… CONJUNCTIONS… AND INTERJECTIONS.

Lets breakdown the above “Parts of Speech”.

0. Noun: is a word used to name a person… animal… place… thing… and abstract idea. Nouns are usually the first words which small children learn.
1. VERB: is perhaps the most important part of the sentence. A verbor compound verb asserts something about the subject of the sentence and express actions… events… or states of being. The verb or compound verb is the critical element of the predicate of a sentence.a
2. PRONOUN: can replace a noun or another pronoun. We use pronouns like “he”… “which”… “none”… and “you” to make your sentences less cumbersome and less repetitive. Note: Some grammarians classify pronouns into several types… including the personal pronoun… the demonstrative pronoun… the interrogative pronoun… the indefinite pronoun… the relative pronoun… the reflexive pronoun… and the intensive pronoun.
3. ADJECTIVE: modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing… identifying… or quantifying words. An adjective usually precedes the noun or the pronoun in which it modifies.
4. ADVERB: can modify a verb… an adjective… another adverb… a phrase… or a clause. An adverb indicates manner… time… place… cause… or degree and answers questions such as “how”… “when”… “how much”. Remember… while some adverbs can be identified by their characteristic “ly” suffix… most of them must be identified by untangling the grammatical relationships within the sentence or clause as a whole. Unlike an adjective… an adverb can be found in various places within the wisdom or sentence.
5. PREPOSITION: links nouns… pronouns… and phrases to other words in sentence. The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called object of the preposition. A preposition usually indicates the temporal… spatial… or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the wisdom being spoken.
6. CONJUCTION: is use to link words… phrases… and clauses. For example: Call the God when you are ready or I ate the pizza and the pasta.
7. INTERJECTION: is a word added to a sentence to convey emotion… passion… and mind detecting mind. It is not grammatically related to any other part of the sentence. You usually follow an interjection with an exclamation mark. Remember… Interjections are uncommon in formal academic prose… except in direct quotations.

In the Supreme Mathematics there are 13 words present… that means those 13 words apply to the basic parts of speech. Go to your Supreme Mathematics and begin with “Knowledge”.

Knowledge is a noun… which means when we speak and live out Supreme Knowledge it applies to persons… places… and things that exist. There are other words in the Supreme Mathematics that are nouns.


Knowledge Power Build
Wisdom Equality Cipher
Understanding Allah
Culture God

Now… the above Supreme Mathematical words are all a part of the one reality of a noun.


Culture Power Build*
Destroy Born Cipher

*Build can become a Verb in the form of “build-ing” or “built”.

The Verbs in the Supreme Mathematics cause the Nous to walk and talk. We all must have the “Power” … strength… and force exerted or capable of being exerted if we want the Supreme Mathematics to work for us.


Understanding Power Born

You see… Understanding is ultimately a noun… yet universally an adjective. Why? Because an adjective aspect of Understanding is characterized by understanding based on comprehension and discernment. The adjective aspect of Power relates to political… social… or economic control… as well as… the generations or transmission of mental and physical electricity. Born has the adjective aspect of being in a particular social status at birth or possessing certain qualities from birth.

There are many other Grammar aspects of the Supreme Mathematics that I won’t or will not go into in this book. It would be wise for you to do some reseach yourself. What I give you in this chapter is only the beginning of the Language of Allah-God. Great Gods and Earths take the knowledge… wisdom… and understanding to it’s fullest equality… then break it down only to rise above it.

Knowing how to manifest and traverse the Supreme Mathematics is the key to getting into the head of the deaf… dumb… and blind people. This is why… you may walk down a street and hear pure Supreme Mathematics being spoken or lived out and it always attract you. Learn the Grammar of Supreme Mathematics and watch other doors of Great Understanding be open for you.

Arkil Magnetic Allah
The Members of Allah



Sleep is a period of intense activity. And the more intense it is the greater its value. For it eliminates the poisons reulting from tissues destroyed by the mental and physical activities of the day time. The tissues are rebuilt and the rhythm of the body restores. The more thoroughly this work is done the greater the benefit accrued from Sleep. The desire world is like an acean of wisdom and harmony. Into this so-called Ego takes the Mind and the desire body when lower vehicles have been left in Sleep. There the first care of the Ego is in the restoration of the rhythm and harmony of the Mind and the Desire Body. This restoration is accomplished gradually as the harmonious vibrations of the desire world flow through them. there is an essence in the Desire world corresponding to the vital fluid... which permeates the dense body by means of the vital body. When strengthened... the vehicles of the body commence work on the vital body... which was left with the sleeping dense body. Then the vital body begins to specialize the solar energy anew... thereby rebuilding the dense-body... using particuarly the chemical ether as its medium in the process of restoration. It is this activity of the different vehicles during sleep which forms the basis for the acitivity of the following day. Without that there WOULD BE BO AWAKENING... because the Ego would have rendered it useless. If the work of removing that fatigue wre not done... then the body would remain Asleep... as sometimes this happens when a person is in a Trance.

It is for this reason just because of this harmonining... recuperative activity that sleep is better than the Doctor’s Medicine in preserving the health of the body. More rest is NOTHING in comparison with sleep. It is only while the higher vehicles are in the desire world that there is a total suspension of waste and influz of restoring force. It is true that during rest the vital body is nt hampered in its work by tissue being broken away by active motion and tense muscles. But... still it must contend with the wasting energy of Thought and it does not then receive the outside recuperative force from the desire body as during sleep. Sometimes the desire body at times does not fully withdraw... so that part of it remains connected with the vital body... the vehicle that is used to sense-perception and Memory. The result is that restoration is only partly accomplished and that the senses and actions of the desire world are brought into the physical Consiciousness as in what we call Dreams.

Sometimes Deamsare confused as being the center of some form o perception... because of the improper relation of one body to another. What happens is that the memory becomes confused by this incongruous relation of the vehicles and as a result of the restoring force dream-filled sleep is restless and the body feels tired upon awakening (this is when one tosses and turns during the night).




Vol. 2 No.1

Page Three

The Members of Allah present a Plus Lessons that was written by a Great God of the Nation of Gods and Earths... God kundalini Isa Allah. do the Knowledge and learn something!!! Peace. Arkil Magnetic Allah

To resurrect the dead with Allah’s Master Plane.

You’ve got to raise their consciousness with light from the sun.

I mean the Blackman’s knowledge that can restore yoursight. Oh yes, you’re blind, but you just don’t know. You were buried alive, and noe you need to grow. A negro is what you’d call the Walking Dead, ’cause losing knowledge of self is like losing your head. We were striped of our names, language, and culture and then preyed upon by the caucasian vulture. We had no rights, nothing could we own, those condors picked our dignity and pride tight down to the done. YOur woman wasn’t yours; he could have her anytime but if you even looked at his , he’d hang you for a crime. He’d tell you, "Wait in the wood", while he took yours to your shack and when he got through with her, he’d whistle for you to come on back. God’s duty is to civilize the uncivilized, and to watch out for the wolf in the sheep’s disguise. Let the Babies be the Greatest, and that’s who we teach. Teach as many as you can, more than the sands on the beach. The children are the future, so prepare them well, so they can build us a heaven out of this cotton-pickin’ hell. This knowledge is for the young, and for just a very few old, it’s more precious than diamonds, platinum and gold. It can make a faggot a man, and a bulldagger into a woman, it can make a pure, d-savage start acting like a human. It gives the people something sturdy they can build upon. Begin to use their natural talents, not the drugs and gun. Black coal is carbon, the Equality element light refracts through it as a diamond just like a bulb’s filament. The knowledge in your bulb (brain) is what makes your wisdom glow bringing light in a liquid form from the words you let flow. Your pure wisdom sparks life in the deadman’s mind, bringing sound to the deaf and sight to the blind.

Now, when they open their mouths they’ll have some thing to say, instead of sounding dumb and stupid like a donkey’s bray. Blind, deaf, and dumb is what they used to be, but they were brought back to life once you inserter and turned the key. That key is supreme knowledge, that the Blackman is Allah, God of the universe, Lord of all worlds, the Greatest by far.

Islam is the nature and way of life of the God, I-Self-Lord-And-Master weilding the magnetic, lightning Rod. If you dit up and wait at home for a mystery god to come, you’ll never have nothing but wishes; you’ll always be a bum. Allah (God) only helps those who help themselves, so get a job and earn enogh to oput food on them shelves.

The duty is to teach the lost about civilization, righteousness, and knowledge of self as a foundation, to teach the science of everything in life, including love, peace, and happiness to remove strife. When you apply this rule precisely and orderly you’re guaranteed success mathematically. There is no mystery god who is gonna come to save. The people have to dave themselves, so they better behave. The clock is winding down, and time is running out. It’s time to knowl the truth of what life is all about.

"R" is for Rule, and "I" is for Independent. The "R" is for the Ruler whose "EYE" is Intelligent. Intelligence rules, and governs all situations. UL:se your mental Powers to make decisions, not your emotional senstions.

The "duty" is to elevate the people to a higher plane. To do that , the people must begin to use their own brain.

Cleanliness is Godliness, the first step to reaching God’s throne. Flush yourself from within and stop thinking it’s enough to claim you are grown.

Grown means you’ve reached your pek; there’s no further you can go. So stay green and fresh like the grass and trees, and you’ll continue to grow.

The "duty" is to first stay alive, which means it’s neccessary to survive. Then put your neew-found knowledge to work to be "successful" and "thrive". Life is love and love is life, which means "love Islam for ever." Apply these principles daily, and you’ll succeed in every endeavour. Last but not least I’ll leave you this: when it’s born to you, you’re complete. Being clean, righteous, in control, and wealty, is a feeling that can’t be beat.

Power equality Allah see equality

By God Kundalini Isa Allah

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